Please read this disclaimer carefully. The disclaimer and Terms and Conditions apply to all persons who use, view or access this website.

  • We do not represent or warrant 24-hour access to, or operation of, our website.
  • We do not represent or warrant the accuracy of the content on our website, nor the services included on our website.
  • We are not responsible for any adverts, products or services offered by third parties who use our website.
  • Our directors, employees, and staff do not assume any liability and expressly disclaim any warranties, tacit, express or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any of our website content.
  • We may remove content at our sole discretion and will require users to remove content, if such content is untruthful, misleading, inappropriate, offensive or unsuitable for any reason whatsoever.
  • While we attempt to host only accurate content on our website, we do not assume any responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions of any nature however they may arise in relation to the content on our website.
  • It is the user’s sole and exclusive responsibility to determine the accuracy, reliability and credibility of any information on our website. When using our website content, users must comply with all legal obligations imposed by copyright, privacy, defamation, and other laws applicable to the user.


Please read our terms and conditions carefully

This page provides the terms and conditions under which you may use our website. By using our website, you indicate that you accept our terms and conditions.

The limitation of the scope of our website

We provide a web service which carries personal information published independently by third parties on our website. We are not involved in the recruitment process and must not be considered to be a recruitment agency or an employer with respect to our website.

We are not responsible for any user entering into any agreement or making any decisions of any nature in connection with their contents or any other information obtained on our website. Further, the payment of a stipend is not guaranteed and remains at the discretion of the Placement Provider.

We collect and use the information to operate our website and to deliver the services you request.

We use your personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available from our network and our affiliates. We may also contact you via surveys to conduct research about your opinions of our current services or potential new services we may offer.

In addition, we make use of ‘cookies’ to track your preferences on our site. A cookie is a small piece of information sent by a web server to a web browser. A cookie enables the server to collect information from the browser. Our site uses cookies to identify users and personalise their visit by customising web pages for them.

We do not use cookies to track the navigational habits of identified visitors, unless we get your permission to do so. For this reason, some pages may not display correctly if you have disabled cookies on your browser. By modifying your browser preferences, you have the choice to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is set, or to reject all cookies.

3. Links

We may provide links to and accept links from websites of other parties for convenience. We do not control or maintain the material presented by other persons on their websites and we are not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained on a site.

We provide these links to you only as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply any association or relationship between us and the person sponsoring the linked site and does not constitute or imply any endorsement, approval or sponsorship of the linked site.

The links do not imply legal authority to use any protected rights of others reflected in the links. We do not assume any responsibility for the content, accuracy or completeness of material presented directly or indirectly on the linked sites.

You must agree that you will not link material on our website to another website, or associate or frame material on our site with another web page or materials of any other entity, without our prior consent.

If we permit such links, association or framing, you must agree to link with it these terms and conditions and our Disclaimer, which is set out separately on our website. You must also agree immediately to terminate the link, association or framing at our written request to do so.

4. No warranties and limitation of liability

The information presented on our website is provided without any representation or warranty as to suitability, reliability, merchantability, fitness, non-infringement, result, or outcome.

We do not represent that such information is or will be up to date, complete or accurate. Any representation or warranty that might otherwise be implied is expressly disclaimed.

Insofar as our website contains links to other websites, you acknowledge and agree that we do not have control over such websites. Therefore, we are not liable for the contents of such linked websites, nor for any costs, expenses, losses or damage of any nature arising from your access or use of such websites.

Whilst we do everything in our power by employing industry standard virus protection and technology to ensure our server is free from viruses, Trojan horses, bombs, time-locks, or any other data, code or harmful malware (‘malware’) that has the ability to affect the operation of your system, we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through our site will be free of infection from such malware.

5. Intellectual property rights and restrictions on use

All rights to the content of our website are reserved and retained by the owners of such rights. Users of this website are not granted a licence or any other right including, without limitation, under copyright, trademark, patent or intellectual property rights to the content.

6. Governing Law and jurisdiction

Our terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Mauritius. The user irrevocably agrees that the courts of the Republic of Mauritius shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise in connection with these terms and conditions or any legal relationship established by them. For such purposes you irrevocably submit all disputes to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Mauritius.

7. Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our website.